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Diabetes Wellness
Online Program

This program is for clients who are Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic, who would like to learn how to Lose Weight, Improve Insulin Sensitivity and Decrease Inflammation with Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine. Join Individual or Group Programs.


What does this program cover: 


  • We cover 6 Powerful Tools to help you Lose weight, Improve Glucose Control and Insulin Sensitivity, and Lower A1C.


  • ​We go over Evidence-Based Research behind Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition. Learn how this diet, combined with Lifestyle Medicine, can help with Weight Loss, Insulin Resistance and, in some cases, even Reverse Diabetes. 


  • We cover Plant Based Fats, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Fluids, Microbiome Health, Intermittent Fasting, and all the components of Lifestyle Medicine (Physical Activity, Sleep, Stress Management, Social Connections and Habits).

  • We get you started, and excited, about Delicious, Healthy Plant Based meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

What is Included in this program:


This is an online program, led by Dr. Paulina Fernandes, including:

  • Educational Webinars

  • Supportive and Interactive Group Meetings (optional)

  • One-on-one coaching sessions with Dr. Fernandes

  • Email support between meetings

  • Meal planning, recipes, shopping and cooking tips

Freshly Picked Food

What my clients have to say...

“Ten months ago I weighed 230 pounds, struggled to manage my type 2 diabetes, had to use a CPAP to sleep, and couldn't walk 2 flights of stairs without losing my breath. To date I have lost 50 pounds, run one to three miles a day, no longer need a CPAP, and have essentially reversed my diabetes. Dr. Paulina helps me understand and implement the changes in my diet, eating schedule, and other lifestyle factors that make this possible - all without drugs, exotic therapies, or expensive supplements. Getting guidance from Dr. P is one of the best investments I ever made."  - Steve

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Veggie Platter
Register Now for My Diabetes Wellness Online Program!

Thank you for registering! I will be in touch shortly.

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